How to protect your emails from spam using SpamExperts
SpamExperts is a user-friendly email filtering solution that allows protecting your account from both incoming and outgoing spam. One of the benefits of SpamExperts is that the suspicious emails are stored in the Spam Quarantine, so the users can easily manage the emails and mark them as legitimate or suspicious ones.
SpamExperts works at the domain level, that means you may manually select the domains you would like to protect:
With SpamExperts enabled for the domain, all incoming emails are automatically routed through the SpamExperts filtering system before reaching mail server you actually use.
If the email is defined as spam, it will be either discarded or placed into quarantine. In case the email is valid, it will be delivered to the email account in question.
NOTE: The exact shared server to forward mail to is determined by the hostname/IP address specified in email route settings. By default, if you haven’t changed MX records for your domain after hosting account setup, the mail server will be determined by A record for sub-domain (this is a default route set in SpamExperts settings).
All incoming mail appears to be routed to SpamExperts server after the MX records below are set up for the domain you wish to protect: